Friday, May 26, 2006

I have only one hope: it's Friday :-)

I said in the bigenning: it will either be good news here, or nothing.
Now I do not have any good news :-(
But I found these on the net:

A policeman was interrogating 3 blondes who were training to become detectives. To test their skills in recognizing a suspect, he shows the first blonde a picture for 5 second and then hides it."This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"The first blonde answers, "That's easy, we'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!"The policeman says, "Well...uh...that's because the picture shows his PROFILE."Slightly flustered by this ridiculous response, he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the second blonde and asks her, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"The second blonde giggles, flips her hair and says, "Ha! He'd be too easy to catch because he only has one ear!"The policeman angrily responds, "What's the matter with you two?? Of course only one eye and one ear are SHOWING because it's a picture of his profile!! Is that the best answer you can come up with?"Extremely frustrated at this point, he shows the picture to the third blonde and in a very testy voice asks, "This is your suspect, how would you recognize him?"He quickly adds "...think hard before giving me a stupid answer."The blonde looks at the picture intently for a moment and says, "Hmmmm...the suspect wears contact lenses."The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the suspect wears contacts or not. "Well, that's an interesting answer...wait here for a few minutes while I check his file and I'll get back to you on that."He leaves the room and goes to his office, checks the suspect's file in his computer, and comes back with a beaming smile on his face. "Wow! I can't believe's TRUE! The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses. Good work! How were you able to make such an astute observation?""That's easy," the blonde replied. "He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Do not tell me that Sundays are calm...

One thing that I did not expect is to be that tired on a Sunday evening and having to do so many things...

I can register two big 'getting really drunk' nights for the last 2 days. Coming home around 6 - 7 (well, cannot really remember). But I have to admit, it was a lot of fun! Yesterday we had this sort of goodbye party, because Felix is leaving, so we were at his place for a long time, but anyhow it was really fun.

But, what I would really would like to know is that all the people in Milan could tell me where they are taken for exchange! Because I see that some people are going to Holland, and I keep receiving emials, asking my opinion about Holland. Ppl, sorry, you will hear nothing good about Holland from me!

You know guys what might be a really weird feeling? Knowing that you are about to do your last exam of your life! That's how Tamas feels now! He always waited for this moment, now he should be really happy :-) I just hope to get to that point as late as possible :-)

Okay, so, turning back to the beginning, I have so many things to do, because I found some really nice internship anouncements, so I have to prepare my cv and motivational letters. But I also realized that I have to work on my project now, otherwise all my effort that I have put in it will be wortless. And there is movie in the tv which would be nice to see, but I have to do the laundry, I have dozens of emails to answer to and first i want to go to the park....

Hey, who has seen the DaVinci Code? How is it? I am really curious and I think I will go to see it next week. But I am really afraid that the movie will be far not as good as the book.

Okay, now I am off to the park! Statemi bene!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Football final again!

hey people,

So, there is a lot I should be talking about now, but I have no much time unfortunately.

Let us go just in order:

Monday I went out, and I again ended up sleeping only like 3 hours, but on the other hand it was completely worthy, it was really fun.

Football tonight: the final of the champions league in Paris: Barca - Arsenal. We are going to see it in a bar, with our very special Beer dispenser :-) And I am thinking of supporting Barca tonight!

The scandal about Juventus is still going on. Now they just started to investigate the use of doping too. Chances are they cannot continue in the Serie A! Their stocks have lost so much in value, that their trade actually had to be suspended! Well, this makes me feel so good

There is a really important note I have to make now. Last saturday one of my best friends (see her on the right, enjoying Holland) had birthday and unfortunately I was not able to wish her happy birthday :-( Ivett, BOLGOD SZULETESNAPOT!!!!

I am going to include some geographical statistics about the last visitors, because the number or pageloads (that would be you guys coming to the page :-) just passed 500 (!!!) which is quite a good result considering that it got it only in 9 days!!! You can check the counter on the left side, under the links and 'what about today' section.

And on the following picture you can see the most frequent blog visitor (Ola Joao :-)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Lo scudetto perso

Well, it has just happened. Juventus has won its 29th championship. But, let us just stop for a moment!
As you might have heard about it, there is a huge scandal in Italy! Seems like, Mr. Moggi, the director of Juventus has been deciding which referee to send to their matches for years now! There are proofs as well. Several phone conversations were registered between Moggi and the 'referee sender' in Italy. And it was not only for the Italian championship, but for Champions' League too!
Indeed, Just couple of hours ago, Berlusconi, president of Milan, said that he wants to champion titles, as Milan would have won those one, had Juventus not used unfair means. Anyhow, the story is complicated, but it has been the top news in Italy for over a week now, as Juventus might just be sent to the second league as punishment :-) So read the whole story in the Guardian.

And now lets talk about more serious things: Friday and Saturday night were about going out! So, concerning Friday, I think I might have said things that I should not have - sorry Andreas - but it was quite fun anyhow.
But yesterday was sooooo cool! We went to quite many places, having some shots, then Irish Rover, practicing my French etc ;-) Coming home at six ;-)

It is only because it has been many days I have not inserted a film ;-) It is a cool one, you guys should go and see the movie!

Okay, before I close my lines for now, and attach some random photos, just want to say, that as you might have notices, I inserted some cool content into the page :-) First of all, you can see a 'chatbox' on the right! Easy and quick to use! Also, if you are on the right side, go really down, there is a really simple game :-) To the left side, I inserted a section of news, this day in the history, today birthday and quotation of the day! It changes everyday! So, might be interesting, dunno.

Tomorrow is a really bigday for me! A lot depends on tomorrow. It will simply decide my future...

But now I am going to the park to enjoy the sun!!!


Friday, May 12, 2006

Party time!!!

I do not care any more...
Taking antibioticums? So what?
Not supposed to smoke? So what?
Short of money? Rather not eat during the whole next week, but:
I really need to go out!
Have some nice shots, enjoy music, e certamente limonare, come Iacopo diceva sempre :-)
E io ora mi sento cosi:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

What an UEFA cup final!

Have you guys seen it? Amazing. I did not expect Sevilla to play this better than Middlesborough! They absolutley deserved this victory. I was really amazed actually. (Eurosport site)

Allora, il nuovo presidente e Napoletano. Ma, non lo so, gia il nome non mi suona bene :-) (vedi Il Corriera della Sera)
And, yes, finally a really good news, Europe might just stay 'small'. I would not really mind having to live without those countries entering our community.
Okay, some random photos now:

So, since I am not in a really good mood today (dont even ask) that's it for today, but tomorrow will write more!


Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Feeling much better...

Hey people,

I am feeling much better.
I think the antibioticum is working :-) So I actually decided that this is my last relaxing day and tomorrow I am getting back to the normal life (well, apart from drinking and smoking, for a while I better not to).

Today Middlesborough and Sevilla is playing in the UEFA cup final, in Eindhoven! It is funny, just like a year ago I was in Eindhoven. So, anyhow, I think I will watch it. If you are interested, see the UEFA website about the final, or the Eurosport website.
Also, as today is soccer day, see this very short film :-)

Okay, I know only the soccer fans found it funny... anyhow.

So, as not many things have happened to me yesterday and today, since I am just trying to relax and get rid of the 'kindofaflu' thing, I will not really write more, but I found and interesting article about 'why people mover around Europe'.

And let's see the today photo ;-)

This one is from Joao's 'host country' ;-) Seeing the picture I wonder why he likes it there :-)

So, that's all for today, take care folks!


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Bon Di !

So, how is everyone doing?

So far I am enjoying posting here :-) Kinda cool, 'coz anyhow I see that you guys actually care, and quite many of you come here!
Yesterday I learnt a really nice thing. One of my best friends back home, from my high school, just got a job at Procter & Gamble! Wow! Adi, congratulations! She just recently graduated, and sent me a photo, which was shot for her graduation. So I am just gonna paste it here :-) So I was pretty amazed, P&G is one of my favorite companies where I can actually imagine working. I applied so many times for P&G positions, but since I had turned down one interview appointment in Rome (how stupid I was) they do not really care about my applications any more. So, once more, I am impressed, let me know how you will like it!

Yesterday I spent all my time in front of the computer, doing 2 things: changing the structure of the site (Im sure noone has noticed it, but I learnt quite a lot about css styles) and finalizing my net project that I had been doing for 3 weeks! Just stuck to the pc... Hopefully today I will have the power to go to the park! :-) Actually, I am just gonna watch a Friends then go to the park to enjoy the sun ;-)

This one is for Bart ;-) Haven't talked to you for a long time and I am kinda missing having beers and talking about Barca and Real ;-) (I just heard this in the radio and I remembered it was one of his favorites :-) )
And this is from one of our beer drinking nights, in Holland:
And an other photo, just to fill out the space... (one of my best photos I have ever taken)

Monday, May 08, 2006

My second post

Ciao tutti,

So, there we go with my second post. I am happy to see that you guys like my blog, and I am getting positive feedbacks :-) Thanks. Also, feel free to use the 'comment' section in the blog.

I just added Add to My Yahoo! to the blog site. This is a feed, that you can put in your Yahoo! page, and it is supposed to be very cool. Anyhow, I dont know many things on the topic, I will read more and let you guys know.
So, I just came back from the doctor. Very weird system: I went there for the first a week ago. Since I am a foreigner I went to the emergency. I explained at the reception that I am not feeling ok and I need to see a doctor. They asked me - and I emphasize now, at the 'emergency' - if I wanted to see a doctor that day or the following day. I thought I did not understand it, asked it 3 times what they mean, and they just answered the same thing: Today or tomorrow? I said right away…
Anyhow, today I went back. Again, at the reception of the emergency, I am like: 'hello, I was here last week, not feeling any better, can I see a doctor?'. They look at my card and say: ‘Sure, what about Wednesday?'. And I am like: 'After tomorrow? Isn't it the emergency here?' And they explained that I have make an appointment for the emergency, like a couple of days in advance…. WOW…. Anyhow, I told them what the hell do they think I was gonna do for 2 days and they assigned me to a doctor. And what a difference, this one was not like the one last week, who was only willing to 'talk about it'. This one actually examined me! And gave me some stronger medicines, so let’s hope I will get better soon. :-)

This really amazes me... I really like it:

And here below you can see something, that is just so cool: going to the park with the guys, enjoying the sun, just talking, having some beer and playing cards. It is sooo cool, I should do it much more often ;-)

Anyhow, just attaching some pics: (it is where I am living :-)

This one is so amazing:

So, thats all folks for today,

Statemi bene ;-)


Sunday, May 07, 2006


Ola pessoal!

Welcome to my blog!

Well, after so many of my friends have just recently set up their blog, I decided to do the same.
It is also because I have not really given any news since I left Holland, and to give news always just writing group emails is not the best Idea unfortunately, since most email just end up in the spam box, and some people who are not interested just annoyed by these emails.

So, whoever is interested will come to this page and read about me :-)

Here on this blog I will limit myself to the good things I've been experiencing. Therefore, I will make an effort not to complain :-)

So, as first post, I will tell you how nice weather is now! And how much I feel like partying! I have not gone out for the nightlife for over a week now! This flu (or whatever it is) so terrible, just does not want to pass, and I even have stopped smoking! Yeah, for over a week now...
Soo, let's hope it will pass soon.
Also, check out the links on the left, it might be interesting, I just love the new Peugeout 207 commercial, you should all see it.
Other news would be, that in the Italian championship there is only one mathcday left. Juventus is still 3 points ahead from Milan, so we have to try, we got 90 minutes left, ma noi ci crediamo! :-)
Bug hugs to everyone!

ps. Very small problem, I just realized that the site is not working that good on 800x600 resolution, I will work on it...


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